Elder Care

Elderly Care Services in Chennai
Elderly Care Services in Chennai

Years of


Annapurni Consultancy

Elder Care: Caring Comfort at Home.

Elder care also referred to as senior care, is a special care service designed to meet the varied needs and requirements of senior citizen home care. Elder care is a vast field and includes varied services like assisted living, nursing care, adult day care, and home care.

Although old age itself is no reason to consider Eldercare, it is the varied physical disabilities and diseases that lead a person to contemplate availing elder care services. A large number of senior citizens still live with their family and their care is jointly undertaken by family members. However, in today’s situation, there are cases when most family members work and are unable to give proper attention and care to their ailing seniors and as such seek reliable and efficient eldercare programs.

Why Choose us ?

Annapurni consultancy Home Helth care service brings to you a comprehensive healthcare solution for all aging needs. Our Care Plans are specially crafted in catering to individual healthcare needs. With a dedicated Health Senior Nurse Staff assigned, who ensures all your healthcare needs are taken care of, be rest assured. Through this plan, we also assist you with services such as

Why Eldercare At Home ?

Elder care often becomes necessary when the elder starts experiencing difficulty with activities of daily living, both independently and safely. Daily activities may include cleaning, cooking, dressing, bathing, driving, taking medicines, etc.

Elderly Care Services in Chennai
Elderly Care Services in Chennai Elderly Care Services in Chennai